Those times in your life where you're feeling...kinda hopeless. Slightly discouraged. Quite confused. Those times are difficult. They make it hard to grasp the "why" of life. Those times, I've realized, are about faith. Because--even when I am struggling, feeling lost, and have no idea what's going on or why--there is someone who does. "I have learned that faith means trusting in advance what will only make sense in reverse." ~Philip Yancey Faith is having hope that things will work out. Having hope that the Lord knows what's happening, even when I don't. Faith is trust in God and in His timing, even if it seems like all I do is wait. Faith is not knowing and going forward anyway. Faith is hard, but faith is so worth it. This past weekend I, along with most of the world, got to listen to General Conference . This is an incredible, marvelous opportunity to listen to living prophets as they speak to us, with messages for us...