
Sometimes I just hear a song that makes me want to write a blog post. This is one of those times.
This song is not only beautiful, but inspiring. It's one of those soul-swelling pieces that says exactly what needs to be said. Have a listen. :)
On another note, today was a bit funky fresh. And by "funky fresh" I mean, not-so-fun sometimes. After one of the low points of today, I was reminded once again: I have been blessed with so very much. 
One of my blessings is my utterly delightful sister. She always reminds me what's important, especially when it feels like I've failed past possible deliverance. Because...I haven't. :)
Like President Uchtdorf said, "Do we listen to beautiful music waiting for the final note to fade before we allow ourselves to truly enjoy it? No. We listen and connect to the variations of melody, rhythm, and harmony throughout the composition....
We shouldn’t wait to be happy until we reach some future point, only to discover that happiness was already available—all the time! Life is not meant to be appreciated only in retrospect."
Happy Friday, everyone! Go forth and be happy. :)
Note: This post was originally published on my blog,, 12 Oct. 2012.


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