Through It We Rise

Tentatively, I find myself coming back to write something that I deem of great importance. And then I lose the desire almost the moment I get here to write it. My thoughts stumble over one another vying for attention, and ultimately the thought wins that it's not important. The voice that triumphs ends up being the one that carefully, casually whispers that what I have to say isn't enough, isn't important, isn't really worthwhile. So more often than not, I walk away having written nothing. None of the thoughts escape my head, because I convince myself that they don't matter or that they won't help anyone.
But if there's one thing I've learned throughout these years it's that someone usually needs what you have to say. That we've been given experiences in our life, not only for our growth, but so that we could learn what the Lord already knows...
As we try to become like our Heavenly Father, we come to learn that this desire can only be met as we reach toward and lift others. Because in doing so we rise up, even little by little, toward our great potential. Like C.S. Lewis said, "God allows us to experience the low points of life in order to teach us lessons that we could learn in no other way." Being His sons and daughters, the Lord knew that there were lessons we could learn only through helping His other children progress. 
I can't count all the times I've been blessed because someone unknowingly shared exactly what I needed to hear. They just spoke, and my insides started melting like the ground after a frost (for lack of a better description) as I realized the Lord knows I'm here, and He's letting me know I can get through this. It's one of those remarkable moments when I get to be on the receiving end of the admonition to "mourn with those that mourn" (Mosiah 18:9). Those who suffer and experience trials in their lives are becoming like the Savior--who suffered "that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities" (Alma 7:12). In other words, we suffer that we may know how to help and lift others who are suffering as well.
Now you may recall my love for Batman and the quote about picking ourselves back up after we fall. Well, recently I've come to love another quote from Batman. During Batman: The Dark Knight Rises, Batman (Bruce Wayne) says to Commissioner Gordon, "A hero can be anyone. Even a man doing something as simple and reassuring as putting a coat around a boy's shoulders to let him know that the world hadn't ended." Bruce is referring to the moment that Gordon did this for him when Bruce was just a boy. After all these years, Bruce had never forgotten--and Gordon had never known--what an impact this act would have. 
So don't let the voice win out that tells you that you have nothing worthwhile to offer. Because you do. 
For each of us, whether we are in the midst of suffering or in the happy lulls in between, we can find moments like this. We can see the experiences that we have as another way for us to bless others. Because I promise, as we share our hearts, we are lifting invisible burdens for someone else. And in turn, we are given a chance to rise.
Note: This post was originally published on my blog,, 6 Sept. 2016.


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