The Windows of Heaven
Once upon a time... (as all really great fairytales start out, except this is not a fairytale in the slightest) I was having a hard time. Actually, this "once" basically consisted of a period around seventeen or eighteen months long. Well, as I struggled through this time (struggled is kind of an understatement), the Lord blessed me with certain blessings. Namely, my dear siblings and my best friends. I didn't realize it at the time (although I had some inkling of it), but they saved me. I'm fairly certain I would NOT have made it out of that without them. I knew they were a blessing then; in the midst of all the darkness, they were a constant, warm and familiar light. However, as I look back on it now...even so recently, I see that they were literally sent by the Lord for my aid. I know the Lord hand picked each of them for the purpose of raising me up, to more than I could have ever been without them... Tonight, I rediscovered old messages I...
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