The Windows of Heaven

Once upon a time... (as all really great fairytales start out, except this is not a fairytale in the slightest) I was having a hard time. Actually, this "once" basically consisted of a period around seventeen or eighteen months long.

Well, as I struggled through this time (struggled is kind of an understatement), the Lord blessed me with certain blessings. Namely, my dear siblings and my best friends. I didn't realize it at the time (although I had some inkling of it), but they saved me. I'm fairly certain I would NOT have made it out of that without them.

I knew they were a blessing then; in the midst of all the darkness, they were a constant, warm and familiar light. However, as I look back on it now...even so recently, I see that they were literally sent by the Lord for my aid. I know the Lord hand picked each of them for the purpose of raising me up, to more than I could have ever been without them... Tonight, I rediscovered old messages I'd received from them during this time.

Here are just a few examples:

*"Be strong. Remember our Father in Heaven."

*"You're going to be so strong at the end of this, no matter what way it ends. Heavenly Father is changing you, recognize your growth and potential... Be your best..."

*"...Don't worry about it. Everything will be okay. Seriously. It's just a test. Remember the Lord loves us, and He won't let anything happen."

*"Did you see the sunset? It was amazing!"

*Sometimes it was them letting me know what they were struggling with...and inspiring and building me up without even being aware... "I'm trying to focus on the right things..."

*Sometimes it was sharing in my joys...of the sky, of swingsets, of fruit snacks, of chocolate milk, of apple juice, of laughter.

*Sometimes it was taking time to go to the temple with me or tell me their favorite scripture or story.

*Sometimes it was even an "I love you," or one of them telling me a funny story or about a funny shirt that they saw that they thought I'd like.

...little things, small things...they really made a huge difference. Alma 37:6-7 " small and simple things are great things brought to pass."

I know I have grown so much throughout these past months, and I know it's due largely (<-understatement) in part to these incredible people in my life. Even in our hardest time, the Lord answers our prayers... "and it is usually through another person that He meets our needs."

These people most likely have no idea what an impact they had/have on my life. But they have, all the same. And I thank them for it, with all my heart. I hope to be this in someone's life. To be the person the Lord uses to answer prayers. To be the warm light that reaches out to someone in their dark, despairing time. To be someone's hope...or to help someone find their hope in the Savior.

Throughout all this, I've been given such precious blessings in these people...I have seen the "windows of heaven open" through them. And...I'm so glad... :)
Note: This post was originally published on my more personal (silly) blog, Sept. 24, 2011.


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