Preludes to Something Greater

Happy July, everyone!
Lately, I've had the opportunity to struggle with some things that have tested my patience to seemingly no end. I think of myself as a generally very patient person and cannot imagine why I would need more. However, the fact that I'm struggling with it just shows me that I do. Heh :) I'm gradually learning that I'm being prepared.
 Because, often, the Lord has a plan in the works that we cannot fathom at this time, a plan designed to help us reach our full potential as sons and daughters of a Heavenly King. To demonstrate this, think of baby things... When a baby otter (cuteness!) grows up, it becomes an adult otter; when a human baby grows up, it becomes an adult person; when we, as spirit children, grow up, we will become like our Heavenly parents--gods and goddesses. For us to reach that high point, the Lord allows us to have experiences that will mold us into what and who we can eventually become.
This is truth. And I'm grateful for it.
"Each time you fall He will pick you up again." ~C.S. Lewis
(That quote is from Mere Christianity, if you haven't read it, please do so. It is incredible.)
Note: This post was originally published on my blog,, 2 July 2013.


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