Peaky Ponderings

Being sick is just...not fun. It's terrible! Especially for someone who doesn't get sick much. However, I've realized that I always discover (or remember) things when I'm sick. Some of them important, others not so much.
These past few days, I was able to go on one of these journeys of thought and discovery. I'd like to share some of my reflections.
 * I make a lot of judgements. For some reason, while being sick, it's like I'm hyper-aware of myself. So in about a minute, I noticed five judgements I made while driving to school. Because I noticed them--where I usually don't--I decided to see if they were worth anything. I was saddened, but not necessarily surprised, to see that most were false or ill-placed. If I had waited just a few moments longer, I would have seen the truth. Really, within moments I would gain some piece of new information that would entirely change my view. I realized how truly important it is not to jump to conclusions; we usually don't, if ever, have all the information. Even in simple things, making a judgement can change a potential friendship or even a person.
*I believe people are inherently good. I've found that if I really get to know a person, I always find something I like about them. One of my favorite quotes is something Abraham Lincoln said, "I do not like that man. I must get to know him better." This is such a great quote because it's true! Try it. It's pretty neat. :)
*I have such great people in my life. So many people have made an impact on my life, and most of them have no idea. Sometimes I suddenly remember someone in my life, and I wonder how I could have forgotten them. It's hard to keep up with people, as we each go our different ways and make choices that lead us down varied paths. It's inevitable that I'll lose touch with a few people in my life. SO, I've decided to make an effort to let people know I care for them. To let them know what I like about them. Let them know they've impacted me for the better. I want to leave a positive impact in their life.
On another note, I saw this video and enjoyed it. Perhaps you will, too. :)

Note: This post was originally published on my blog,, 7 Sep. 2012.


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