Never Look Back

So...I'm an awkward person, as people who know me may have noticed. Therefore, I have many awkward or embarrassing moments. Most of the time I can deal with them, but sometimes they just get to me. When this happens, I start dwelling and become so frazzled that my day starts turning inside out. What I've realized is that I usually always make it out to be worse than it actually was. 
If I just continue forward and try to get past it, things go much better.
Brilliant solution?
This can apply to so many things in life. If we've made a mistake, it's time to move on. We will never improve or find the solutions to our problems by dwelling on them. Like Pres. Monson said, "Learn from the past, prepare for the future, live in the present."
Yep. :) Happy Monday! 
Note: This post was originally published on my blog,, 19 Nov. 2012.


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